The MHSA Victoria Branch meets each month on the fourth
Thursday at the Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL in Oakleigh, at 20:00 hours (8.00pm). The meetings typically
see a brief member meeting followed by a guest speaker, and are usually concluded by 22:00 hours (10.00pm). Dinner can
be availed of at the Club’s Bistro before the meetings and refreshments available throughout. Guests are
more than welcome.
There is also trading of collectable books and memorabilia at each
Excursions are also planned to sites of military history relevance
in Melbourne and Victoria.
The schedule for the Branch in 2013 is as
24th – Members
Own. Military places I have visited.
-28th Benjamin Casey Pipes-An instrument
of war!
March- 28th Salvos at War
Lindsay - Cox Curator of S.A. Museum
April 18th Brought forward so as not to clash with Anzac Day
- 23rd
The Solomons – 4 presenters.