HMAS Sydney crew 1934 |
Society Mailing List
Coordinated by Society member Mr Peter Evans, a society email mailing list service has been set up to enable members
to quickly communicate as a group and share information. Refer to these guidelines on using this facility. The List Coordinator can be contact via email
at listmanager@mhsa.org.au
Booksellers and Publishers
Established in 1965, Hyland's is a specialist bookshop with an
unsurpassed range on military history, aviation history, naval and maritime history, railway and transport history, mountaineering,
hunting, shooting and associated videos and much, much more!
We source books from local and overseas publishers and so our
stock extensive with both current and back order publications. Mail telephone fax and internet orders are one of our strengths
and with over 22,000 books in stock, we deal with all orders immediately and our special packaging provides excellent protection
for books we consign via Australia Post.
Slouch Hat Publications
Slouch Hat Publications,
also a member of MHSA, is a small publishing venture specialising in Australian Army Military History, which has over the
last thirteen years built up a regular client list, as well as selling to libraries and the retail book trade. Slouch Hat
Publications produce high quality books, mainly in hard cover. Their books are all written by Australian authors and printed
in Australia. They also distribute other military books of interest to their readers.
Neil Smith – Mostly Unsung Established in Melbourne in 1991 Mostly Unsung provides
a unique research facility into Australian Military History from the First Fleet to the present day. Headed by MHSA Victoria
Branch member Lieutenant Colonel Neil C Smith, AM, Mostly Unsung specialises in genealogical and service aspects of former Australian
and British Defence personnel. In addition to client initiated research tasks, Mostly Unsung also researches and publishes
on a range of Australian and British military history subjects.
Bruce Smith
– Archives Research Consultancy
MHSA Victoria Branch member Bruce Smith is a professional archivist who can provide research services into all aspects
of Australian military services, especially for associations, corporate and organizations. He is a member of the Professional
Historians Association of Victoria Inc., an association of over 100
professionally accredited historians who work in the public rather than academic field. Please email Bruce at archiveresearch@optusnet.com.au to discuss your requirements.
Ward and Robbie Dalton - Military Medals
MHSA Victorian Branch members
and experienced buyers and sellers of war medals George Ward and Robbie Dalton provide a medal identification
and evaluation service. Whether you have family heirlooms to be identified, want to trace medal entitlements or have
decorations professionally mounted George and Robbie can meet your needs. Email Robbie at daltonco@alphalink.com.au