Military Historical Society of Australia - Victorian Branch

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Notes from the Editor on preparing and submitting contributions to Despatches

Despatches can accept up to three articles of no more than 750 words and up to 6 images for publication apart from its standard features.

Images sent by email as JPEG files (no smaller than 300 dpi) or scanned to a disc as high‑resolution JPEG files and mailed in are preferred.


Please submit contributions via email as an attached Microsoft Word document or cut and pasted directly into the body of the email. Please keep formatting to a minimum, as any formatting commands will have to be stripped and replaced. In particular, please use in-setting and tabulation functions rather than inserting multiple spaces via the space bar. If footnotes are called for in your article, please make use of your footnote function on the toolbar. 


Despatches  is set in Times New Roman font and only one space after each full stop and comma is sufficient.


Date style is dd mmin yyyy (2 February 2002) without punctuation. Ranks, initials and decorations should be without full‑stops, eg, Capt B J R Brown MC MM.

 Articles should preferably be 500-750 words (approx 1-2 typeset pages). While the Editor cannot guarantee publication of any article or in which edition it may appear, he is happy to discuss article ideas particularly with first time contributors.

 The submission of any material to Despatches automatically grants a one‑time licence to publish. The Society's policy is to infer a further licence to reprint or permit publication elsewhere unless the author (who retains copyright) specifically instructs otherwise, and the Victorian Branch follows that policy.




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